Can I have a tagboard? Please? You, yes you, help please?
Since Macdonalds was so very 'inspired' by the Rice Burgers of Mos Burger, I felt Pizza hut could have their own go at it...
Rice-Pan-tastic? Any takers?
Can I have a tagboard? Please? You, yes you, help please?
Since Macdonalds was so very 'inspired' by the Rice Burgers of Mos Burger, I felt Pizza hut could have their own go at it...
Rice-Pan-tastic? Any takers?
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament |
![]() Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace. You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions. You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected. It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional. You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others. While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well. At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything. You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams. You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment. |
Theory of Dota Pt 1a-Teamwork
When creating a team of five heroes, a team must consider the possible combinations on a number of different levels. It is not enough to say for instance, that if the group consists of five stunners, it has a considerably high chance of achieving victory. The reason for this is, that assuming both sides are of a respectable skill level, there are a number of counters to lead stuns, such as Linken's Sphere and Black King Bar. There are a variety of skill-based and item-based methods to counter any one team that makes choices based on skills alone.
In no particular order of importance, the different criteria that a team may consider before its formation are:
1) Team Roles
2) Skill based Synergy
3) Items for fitting team roles (interchangibility, pumping priority)
5) Balance between methods of combat
A few different roles that might be mixed together to form a well balanced team could include one or two tankers, one assassin or stealth hero, and one money-earning and logistics hero ( techies, kotl, weaver). The result is a balanced defence and offence, as well as an assuredly good cash flow and knowledge of the enemy's movements.
The balance between tankers, back-row rangers, assassins, and casters can be tweaked according to the situation, but I feel the logistics is a must for any team. It is integral to the idea of hero support, and having the knowledge of the enemy's movements is something that is many a time, left out by a good number of teams.
Skill combination is something that everybody loves to take the time to experiment with themselves, and I don't think there's very much else i can add on the topic..
Actually that's all i wanted to say that actually matters. Everything else I write would be pretty commonsense anyways but that's the same thing that people read on the forums and then comment , Yea Good Guide! Totally Cool!
And just as a disclaimer, I'm bored but every other day I party at Zouk and drink lots of alcohol and listen to Simple Plan just like everybody else. So please refrain from any sort of social ostracism.
I think my first day at Pizza Hut rocked, thanks to the appearance of a few expected customers. You guys rock man, and thanks for the leftovers.. finally I get to realize my desire to eat scraps off the plates.. Serving food and being surrounded by food while feeling famished is not exactly my idea of fun, but the people seem friendly enough and once in awhile I have the chance to receive some uninvited, but nonetheless welcome guests :) Novena Pizza HUt > Harbourfront Subway. 100%.
I just came to the revelation that I've spent too much time and energy wondering whether a friendship will even exist one year down the road to even enjoy the conversations we have now... It can be compared to how people try too hard to survive, and end up forgetting to live, enjoy life. I hope this feeling doesn't last forever. I think I do this too often.
I'm wondering.. Should I try to rectify the problem which lies in the fact that I have no great ambitions, interests in profitable lines of work, or even very stylish interests which attract the opposite gender? Good looks won't last me forever.. Jk Jk ya. Seriously though, I'm going to try to acquire more foresight when it comes to the bank books... $4 an hour seems to be the barely OK wage. Minus transport of about $5 a day... Maybe I should get a concession...
Shit. I forgot to sleep. Work is tomorrow.
I just feel like writing right now, nothing in particular. Had plans to blog a semi-cryptic entry but the feeling has left me. The music is relaxing and I've just realized that I'd like to link a song to this blog. It has no words and it's not irritating, so I'm sure it'd be a good addition, an enjoyable thing.
The starry song is playing.
I'm going to have my very first hours of paid-working time tomorrow, during the dinner crowd. Pizza Hut is, restrospectively, a better working place than Subway. Waiting isn't quite as easy as I'd thought it would be.. Then again I was just looking for any job to fill time and my wallet, so I did not consider the full ramifications of becoming a waiter. Nonetheless, if nothing shocking and tragic happens throughout my time here, I have something in mind that should make my time there enjoyable.
I didn't go to church again. I realize I feel somewhat out of place there now, moreso than before. I like the sermon of the normal service, but honestly the slow pace is something that requires enduring. I like the pace of the youth service, but I wish there was a substantial speaker. I hope the girl with the cool, raspy low voice sings more often. That's superficial though, I guess.
Had a lot on my mind last night. Not the most wonderful thoughts, they've been festering for awhile now. Now I'm gambling to shake them off. It is possible that what goes around does come around.
Until a couple of days ago, I was not aware of the existence of Indian Communists. The idea seems so foreign, I wonder if there actually are many countries with Communist factions. Reminds me of Debate. Would very much like to go and help out, but it seems as if I should go brush up on everything I know if I want to be anything more than a hindrance.
I enjoy the starry sounds...
Have to find some time to collect my money from CJC.
Talk can be empty. A good amount of mine may be. I wonder now, how I shall fill it up. Maybe I've been trying to drown out a silence with a great volume of words, and maybe I forgot to know when to shut up..
I think i feel better now.
Damn it, you're on the phone and the people on the other line have so much trouble keeping their hands off each other.
1. Slice potatoes.
2. Soak Slices.
3. Fry in oil till harder and a ye
Sometimes you speak to someone youllow colour.
4. Dry.
5. Layer wok with oil and fry potatoes with meat and onions.
I haven't been writing for awhile and my fingers are swollen and disfigured from excessive dota but in the meantime i thought of some very intelligent-sounding things to say to people.
You didn't get the job? I suppose that the boss's posterior must not have been sufficiently massaged by your oral cavity.
Excuse me miss, but as I walked by i could not help but stop to peruse the proportions of your most perfect person.
Fish caught in a raging sea ... (In the works)
Just finished reading that monster of a book, Seven Types of Ambiguity. As far as I can see, it's about the ambiguities in personal relationships and the differing perceptions of two people about each other, and about the nature of the bonds between them. It also presents different views about the state of the modern world. It was strange to read at first because it's hard to put events into context for the first chapter of each part, but it was a good buy in the end. I have to read it again to make more sense of it.
I don't feel very open right now. Irritating.
Why doesn't anybody I know read Agatha Christie?