Sucking through a cracked straw
A list of new things I've tried out recently:
1) Dance Dance Revolution
2) Aiushtha, The Enchantress
3) Actual solid maths revision
There is apparently an underpass from Ghim Moh to Buona Vista.
My euphoria with regards to the last debate session has dimmed somewhat. It was good to just be there one last time, and Cluedo was fun especially since none of us had to hold each other at arm's length...
But maybe it's a one-session sort of affair though... That would not be the most heartening ending... Another CCA where i sucked at my job? Surprising that I could do so badly in such different areas of work. It is all regretful. Bonds. Ambition.
A part of me feels like I'd like to be remembered well there. F2-011 has been such a comforting place for the past two years.. All the things learnt, all the warmth of friendship and all the lame jokes and all the food wrappings... Wish it didn't have to fall apart at the end... But such thoughts are poison.
People need people. It's no use trying to ignore it. But as far as I can see, the more you need someone, the harder it is to be next to them. It's very irritating. The confidence I try to pick and gather each day fails me each time I get a chance to be someone to a someone. Still. It is an improvement from before. I can still study..Hurrah..
There's probably something that needs fixing if you find yourself suddenly wishing that it was still 2004. Look forward, live in the moment and all that jazz is a hard mantra to live by.
Comment spammers suck.
My writing is extremely sporadic. This does not bode well since I plan to increase my viewership to about 10,000 readers a day.
And it appears that my bid to create a self-pity parody is failing. What to do. What to do. Perhaps I shall learn Photoshop and paint my blog pink...Or maybe startling social commentary... Or pictures of naked people...
Or maybe this could be the first ever DOTA-log? The symbolic crown of loserificity.
In a perfect world, you are writing about me.